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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Those blames and accusations

Walking out of door
Is not that easy as you suppose
But that is the urge that I contain and control,
And it scratches my soul
Scathed I lay on the floor
Waiting for you to unbolt
And hold me close.

You are never coming
My heart ensures
The way I want you to
Or the way it should be
You are never coming
My God knows.

 I run around in the empty streets
Looking for the corner
That could conceal, my shot down core
Your accusations and blames
Hover, to and fro
Never leaving my side, I conjure
Looking into my eyes
As if they will pierce through my core
And unnerve my essence,  
And scupper my nerves, marrow and soul.

I lay here
Over the effusing blood of my marred emotions
And beaten spirit, defunct
Prepare my pyre
Compose it of the fractured bones of my hope, trust, promises and desire.

Your work is done
As I am dead and undone.


  1. I read this one before and i was moved to tears.. pain in every word.. happiness will be yours mark my word... The piece is good and filled with agony.

  2. Spell-struck!!! That's a face I haven't seen, d grief's pure, d sadness is clean...
