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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Only In our dreams

Tonight I am awestruck
You may call me moonstruck
As the place that I travel tonight
The vision that I witness tonight
Is possible only in our dreams.

Captivated I am
As I glance
At the blemished beauty
Hovering in the dark sky
Floating amongst the cottony
Swarm of clouds
Lightening up the darkness all around.

The imagery so surreal
Transported me to the land, anonymous
And the vision flipped over.
Sky became the ocean
Where waves play a game
Setting amongst themselves a race
Determining who would first touch the finish line at shore
At the highest pace.

The play continues
The frolicking ripples
Carry their queen
To the land in slumber.

On a magic ball
Jaunts the queen fairy
Descending to the land
To put the creatures asleep,
And let them swim
To the land
That could exist
Only in our dreams.

For Carry on Tuesday- 158
Only in our Dreams..........


  1. Jaskiran, you know that your strength lies in describing a particular scene with ease... this is a sure marvel for me...

  2. A dreamy display
    where reality flips

    1. because it is only possible in our dreams... :p

  3. Jaskiran, I bow you...!!!!!

    This created such a trance for me...! loved loved this one... the child in me is feeling nostalgic now!!!!

    1. Thanks for such generous appreciation... thanks a lot...

  4. One line for this one - "Captivated I Am!" It has left me mesmerized.

  5. Lovely magical poetry ~ you do indeed have a 'gift' ~ thanks, ^_^

  6. Beautiful composition and enchanting picture!:)
