I have been given a special task
A task that would last
Last in its impression on my mind
Help me unwind the stupid thoughts
That my mind churns without a hold
Preparing a large bubble that waits to explode
And make me a little crybaby
That is hard to console.
So here is my new task
From the lady who loves watermelons
And basks from them her ultimate pleasure
The task at hand is to count my blessings
And pen them down, addressing.
So there you go watermelon lady
Besides my wonderful parents and brother
You get the spot for pestering me, for this one
But being my blessing
The count is fairly good
Coz under the hood is my caring sister
And my friends who understood
Understood my cribbing session
And still continue to put
There is more to my blessings
The words that I have been dressing
Into a poetic romantic attire
Where even New Hampshire could become a city embossed.
These words I have just uncovered
For humanity’s good
As they help me unwind
And lighter the wrath of my cribbing
That otherwise could be anything but enduring.
My blessings include
My wandering soul
That dreams to roam
In Rome, Paris
And some other exotic zones
And even if it could swan to those spaces
It could well imagine and draw wonderful traces
Well, when I count my blessing
I can never forget addressing
The romance I had
That made me mad and a mad romantic that I am
The love bloomed like a wild berry
And made me blossom and merry
Never leaving me like an empty hole.
As I count my blessings
I realize that I have been stressing for nothing
As all that I need is resting around me
Surrounding me
Except my blossomed love that has now withered.