The pensive mode of my mind
Wishes to hear a sweet lullaby
Oh darling! Romeo
Sing to me, sing to me
Under the moonlit sky.
I wait for you on the patio
To hear the symphony you play
Accompanied with lyrical grace
Oh darling! Romeo
Sing to me, sing to me
Under the moonlit sky.
Let me drown in your soft melodies
That will make me believe
In the life beyond tragedies
And sorrowful days.
The days where life ceases to exist
For all that we do is race
Leaving behind our souls those crave
For that gleaming smile
And love that could make our day.
Oh darling! Romeo,
Sing to me, sing to me
For I still want to feel the sweet pain
The pain of falling in love
But only this time, not to fail, ever.
Such a nice romantic poem ... this flows on like a melodious song ... awesome !!!